Saturday 2 July 2016

Firefly Fascination Secret !


Is Firefly still a wonder for you ? Yes..  me too . But have you ever wondered How a small insect manage to emit light from its abdomen and Why?

Firefly belongs to Family Lampyridae . It is basically a flying Insect. Both male and female have wings, but the female cannot fly. Both male and female Firefly can emit light from their lower abdomen. The phenomenon of emission of light from their abdomen is referred as bioluminescence.

There are two enzymes in their abdomen : Luciferin and Luciferase. This Lusiferin react with Luciferace in presence of oxygen,ATP,magnesium ion to produce light. The light produced is called "cold light" since it doesnot contain any ultra violet or infrared rays.

The Firefly is said to produce this light in order to attract opposite sex,threaten enemy.





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