Saturday 2 July 2016

Firefly Fascination Secret !


Is Firefly still a wonder for you ? Yes..  me too . But have you ever wondered How a small insect manage to emit light from its abdomen and Why?

Firefly belongs to Family Lampyridae . It is basically a flying Insect. Both male and female have wings, but the female cannot fly. Both male and female Firefly can emit light from their lower abdomen. The phenomenon of emission of light from their abdomen is referred as bioluminescence.

There are two enzymes in their abdomen : Luciferin and Luciferase. This Lusiferin react with Luciferace in presence of oxygen,ATP,magnesium ion to produce light. The light produced is called "cold light" since it doesnot contain any ultra violet or infrared rays.

The Firefly is said to produce this light in order to attract opposite sex,threaten enemy.





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Friday 1 July 2016

Grand Canal | ITALY


A city of canals: Venice. It has over 180 canals, among them the largest is the Grand Canal.The 3.8 Km length Grand Canal is an important sea route in Venice.1000 of people rely on  Grand Canal for transportation to different parts of the city. There are many proud structures on the banks of the Grand Canal.Grand Canal is an important destination for tourist visiting Venice. Grand Canal extends from St Mark Basin to  lagoon near the Santa Lucia railway station. The canal has an average depth of 5m. Grand canal is the most relied sea route for transportation.It is pleasure to have a journey through Grand Canal covering over 170 historic structures.The structures depict the richness of ancient Venice. Santa Maria della Salute is a prominent church in the bank of Grand Canal.In 1930 a plague exploded in Venice.In order to recover the people from this situation authorities established a church in name of St. Mary. still now a yearly march is conducted to the  Santa Maria della Salute in memory of the recovery from the plague.A yearly water festival  Historical Regatta is also conducted in the Grand Canal.
Historical Regetta
Santa Lucia Railway Station

Santa Maria Della Salute
Saint Mark's Basilica 

Sunday 12 June 2016

Top 10 : SPACE BOOKS to read in 2016

On the list

  #1 The Orbital Perspective : BY  Ron Garan

In this the author shares his experiences as an astronaut. He explains all the partnership,international collaborations that bought him there.He shares his views of International Space Station as a result of unity. He says if we go forward i harmony and with same destination,we can achieve great wonders in the ground just as the International Space Station in space.

#2 A Man On The Moon: The Voyager Of The Apollo Astronaut  : BY Andrew Chaikin

The book focus on the event on July 20 1969, when the world entered a new era, two astronaut Neil Armstrong and Buzz aldrin walked on the moon. Andrew Chaikin is a journalist conveys this event to the readers in an astonishing way based on interview with 23 moon voyagers and the people who struggled to make the mission a success. He conveys the event from the liftoff to the landing on the moon to the final reentry.

#3 Breaking The Chains Of Gravity : BY Amy Shira Teitel

In this book "Breaking The Chains Of Gravity", the story of the American Space program is conveyed to the readers. The book gives a clear picture of its scientific advances,its personalities and more. At that time getting a man in space is the basic priority and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA is formed.                                                                                                          

#4 Packing For Mars : The Curious Science Of Life In Void : BY Mary Roach

The book gives a picture on the strange universe of space travel and life without gravity. According to Mary Roach, it is possible to provide space without leaving Earth..From the space shuttle training to the crash test of NASA's new space capsule, the author takes us for a trip into the science of life in Space and Space on Earth

#5 How We'll Live On Mars : BY Stephen L Petranek

The Book starts with a prediction that in 2027, humans will land on moon via privately owned spacecrafts. He shares his beliefs in the near future human send cargo ahead and utilize martian resources to reduce mass fro the earth, by 2021, a married couple will be send to Mars.He also    address the major challenges of isolation,cost,safety,health risk and radiation.He concludes , man will become the new frontier, the new hope and the new destiny for million who will do almost            anything to resize the opportunities waiting on the red plane

#6 The Case for Mars : The Planet To Settle The Red Planet And Why We Must : BY Robert Zubrin

The Case For Mars is an informative,educational and inspirational work. The book begins with the quote"we choose to go to the moon" from speech of president John F Kennedy in 1962. The author talks about origin of humanity,relationship with astrophysics and the planet moon. He takes us through more famous expedition like - dissecting the grand successes. The author conveys his strong feel that the search for life on Mars is very Important.

#7 The Right Stuff : BY Tom Wolfe

The book generalizes the early American Space Program . the book says about the test pilots, space program and more. the book is technically and historically accurate however Wolfe doesn't inject some of his personal opinion into the talk. the book at its core is a tale of American Heroes . it tells the story of 7 ordinary man who were asked to become the extraordinary: they become shining because of hope in the space race with Russians. 

#8 The Ordinary space Man : From Boyhood Dreams To Astronaut : BY Clayton C Anderson

The book explains the story and his experiences on becoming an astronaut. he applied 15 times before he was accepted. He tells the story of training and visit the International Space Station from June-November of 2007 and again in 2010 as apart of a 15 day space shuttle mission. Clay shares  his experiences on flight and return, In an astonishing way.

#9 What's It Like In Space : BY Ariel Waldman

The book gives an overview of life in space . Ariel Waldman collects quotes from astronauts about their experiences in space.The book address functions like eating,sleeping,excretion in space. It's a fun packed,Charming and colorful book to read.

#10 Rise Of The Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us From Missiles To The Moon To Mars. : BY Nathalia Holt   

The book demonstrates the contributions of women to early space explorations. The book address events from Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Burgeoning Aerospace industry and more. 

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